Our Trust Board consists of Non-Executive and Executive Directors. It is responsible for overseeing our ambulance and acute hospital services.

This includes:

  • Quality and patient safety

  • Performance against budgets and national / local targets

  • Planning and strategy for services
  • Workforce and organisational development

Guidance on observing and asking questions of the Trust Board

The Trust Board meeting in public is open to allow members of the public and press to attend. Guidance about the Trust Board and your rights are detailed below.

Questions to the Trust Board from members of the public

To ask a question on matters relating to the agenda of any board meeting, please advise the Associate Director of Corporate Affairs of the question by 9am on the Monday preceding the meeting by emailing: iownt.Questionsfortrustboard@nhs.net. This will enable a comprehensive response to be prepared.

You should be aware that it may not be possible for an answer to be given at the meeting due to time or other constraints, in which case written answers will be given within 7 days.

Questions may not be answered when the Chair considers that they:
  • are not on any matter that is within the powers and duties of the Trust

  • are frivolous or defamatory

  • are substantially the same as a question that has been put to a meeting of the Trust Board in the past 6 months
  •  would require the disclosure of confidential or exempt information.
Attending the meeting

Members of the public are welcome to attend the Board meetings held in public. If you are planning to attend, please email: iownt.groupboard.iwt-phu@nhs.net so that we can ensure seating is available.

Corporate Documents

The Trust's Standing Orders, Standing Financial Instructions, and Scheme of Reservation and Delegation, are listed below.