We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all adults on the Isle of Wight. 

Living a life that is free from harm and abuse is a fundamental right for every person. We all need to act as good neighbours, citizens and professionals by looking out for one another and seeking to prevent circumstances that can easily lead to abusive situations and place adults at risk of harm. This is a fundamental principle of a caring, compassionate and fair healthcare setting. 

In Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, the main statutory agencies - the local authorities, the Police and the NHS organisations work together to both promote safer communities in order to prevent harm and abuse and to deal well with suspected or actual cases. 

The Isle of Wight NHS Trust is an active participant in the Local Safeguarding Adult Board LSAB whose purpose is to develop an overall safeguarding strategy, oversee effective inter-agency working and ensure the dissemination of good practice. 

The Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adult Board works collaboratively with Hampshire, Southampton and Portsmouth Safeguarding Adult Boards to fulfil the requirements of the national legislation The Care Act 2014 and this is reflected in the 4LSAB Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Guidance 2015.

Who is an adult at risk?

The Care Act defines an adult at risk as someone who is over 18 and:

  • has needs for care and support whether or not the Local Authority is meeting any of those needs.
  • is experiencing, or at risk of abuse or neglect.
  • resulting in their care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk, of or the experience of abuse or neglect.

 An adult may be at risk because they:

  • have a physical disability

  • have learning difficulties

  • have mental health problems
  • are elderly or frail
  • have loss of sight or hearing
  • have dementia or confusion
  • are very ill
  • depend on someone else to look after them

A person may also be vulnerable because of a temporary illness or difficulty.

An adult at risk may have difficulty in making their wishes and feelings known and this may make them vulnerable to abuse. It may also mean that they are not able to make their own decisions or choices. 

Every resident and visitor to the Isle of Wight has the right to live free from fear and harm and have their rights and choices respected.

If you are concerned that an adult you know is experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, abuse or neglect contact.